Jersey Sunday
Sunday, February 9 is “Rep Your Favorite Sports Team!” Wear T-shirts and/or Jerseys preferably Football since it’s Superbowl Sunday, but if it’s a basketball team, that’s fine!! We want to dress down, have good fellowship and enjoy some sports team rivalry and game predictions!!
Black History Month with Rev. Kiki Barnes
February is Black History Month and on Sunday, February 2nd at 10:00 AM. Rev. Kiki Barnes will be our guest speaker for our Black History program. Please come out dressed in your African Attire.
MLK Jr Day of Celebration
Our MLK Jr Day of Celebration will be Sunday, January 19th! We will have a special MLK Service honoring the service and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King with Dr. Velma Jean Ballard, Ed.D as our Guest Speaker on Civil Rights. We hope you will come out and join us at 10:00 AM.
Make Room for More!
IMANI MCC invites you to come out and join Pastor Annie and First Lady Priscilla for Coffee and Conversations on Sunday, December 29, 2024 between Noon and 4:00 pm!! PLEASE drop by during the time that aligns with where you may feel called to be of service!!!
Location: Imani MCC, 3602 C View Street, Durham NC 27713
They will share their vision and are ASKING you to come and discuss what you need and/or would like to see IMANI do in the community. Together, we will prepare to “Make Room for More” in 2025!!!
Dec 29 @ Noon - Interest (Ministry, Deacon, Facilities and/or Security) Training
Dec 29 @ 1:00 PM - Interest (Worship Leaders, Praise Team Singers and/or Musicians)
Dec 29 @ 2:00 PM - Interest (Greeters, Ushers, and/or Audio/Video/Sound)
Dec 29 @ 3:00 PM - Interest (Sunday School Teachers and/or Youth Leaders)
Dec 29 @ 4:00 PM - Interest (Hospitality and/or Events Coordinator)
We look forward to seeing you for Coffee and Conversations at IMANI MCC Interest Meetings!
Welcome Pastor Annie Ross!
We are thrilled to introduce Pastor Annie Ross as the Interim Pastor of Imani MCC, marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter! As we embark on this journey together, we look forward to growth, transformation, and embracing the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. Join us on January 5, 2025, at 10:00 AM for her inaugural service as Pastor of Imani MCC.