About Imani MCC
How We Began
Imani started with an advisory team of four people that included our founding Pastor, the Rev. Wanda Floyd, who met to discuss what kind of church was needed, what the worship service would be like, where to meet, and all the details that go into having a deliberate outreach to the community and providing a worship service that is inclusive. After a year of discussion, meetings, prayer, and contemplation, space was found and Imani MCC of Durham held its first worship service on November 23, 1997 with 121 people in attendance.
Who We Are
Imani Metropolitan Community Church is a Christian church that believes God loves all people regardless of race, gender, physical disability, age, national origin, or sexual orientation. Our doors are open to all! You are invited to join us on Sundays at our 10:00 am worship service in our Ministry Center at 3602 C-View Street in Durham. It is our desire that through your interaction with this body of believers that you, too, will be inspired to go out and spread God’s love to others.
What is Worship Like at Imani MCC?
MCC’s are a Christian church with several denominations represented at each worship service. A typical service involves music, scripture reading, preaching, community prayer and communion. Music and prayer are important parts of who we are as a church and thus the services reflect those two things.
Communion is offered at each service which may be different from some denominations. Membership with the church is not required to partake of communion. If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, or are seeking a better understanding of Christ, you are welcome to partake of communion. We ask that no barriers separate you from God’s table.
The practice of communion involves the dipping of a wafer into grape juice, representing the body and blood of Christ, and a simple blessing given to you by a server. Prayer Team members are available throughout service for prayer.
Following each service there is a time of hospitality and refreshments.
“Imani…is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” -Heb. 11:1
Imani means “Faith” in Swahili and is the seventh symbol of Kwanzaa.