Come Home
He will be in church
This Sunday despite it all
Won’t you meet Him there?
You came with some doubt
Not sure if this was for you
But you came to see
And tasted and saw
That Christian community
Filled a hidden void
Give Church a Chance
... not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
(Hebrews 10:25)
Over the last few weeks, in what would seem to be “coincidence,” I’ve had conversations with a number of people who are struggling with disillusionment with the church. Some have already decided that they simply will not go back to any church. Never. Ever. Ever. In another “coincidence,” somebody posted a link to a video on Facebook, which I just finished watching. The title: “Why I Won’t Go Back to Church.” So the subject has presented itself to me multiple times as I’ve sought inspiration for this week’s blog.