Breaking News from SCOTUS
Greetings, Beloved!
First, I give thanks to God for the wonderful news we received today, from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) regarding the resolution of two landmark cases which directly impact our community! I’ve heard that there are questions out there about exactly what happened, so it is my pleasure to offer this explanation, mostly in plain English and with a minimum amount of “legalese!”
Exodus International is Sorry
We probably all know how difficult it can be to offer an apology. No doubt that is why so many hurts remain unresolved for so long. People find it hard to apologize. Today, I am reminded that it can also be difficult to graciously accept an apology. The news media are abuzz with the announcement that Exodus International is shutting down its operations, and its president, Alan Chambers, has issued an apology to the LGBT community for all of the harm done to us by himself, Exodus International, and the Christian church.
In case there are readers who do not know - Exodus International is an “ex-gay” organization; a so-called “ministry” that claimed to “rehabilitate” and “heal” homosexual orientation. For thirty-seven years, in partnership with other similar religious organizations, Exodus Int’l. has put forth the fallacious message that homosexuality is a sin from which one can be delivered; and they have claimed that their “reparative therapy” has converted gay and lesbian Christians into heterosexuals.